Collaborative Environment for Experts on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
in the UNECE region


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Start year:   Start typing to see the options...     

End year:    Start typing to see the options...     


Country or/and Region  Start typing to see the options...

Regions:   Central Asia, European Union, Global, Western Balkans




Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Common project for energy efficiency in household buildings 

* The programme supports investments in high-performance energy efficiency technologies, materials and other solutions introduced by private owners of residential buildings.
* €5 million loan by the EBRD to Banka OTP Albania for on-lending to borrowers with green investment plans for their homes (as part of the GEFF). Home owners can select the technologies in which they wish to invest
*Austria supports the preparation and implementation of the project, funded by the EU with a €1 million grant. Ssuccessful projects are eligible for a cash-back payment of up to 20% of the investment value. This incentive is funded by the €1 million in grants from the EU.
* The actors of the project cooperate under the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). It is implemented under the umbrella of the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP Plus), funded by the EU and implemented in partnership with the Energy Community Secretariat and it is part of the EBRD's Green Economy Financing Facility.


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), National Governments, Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Banka OTP Albania 

Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) for Western Balkans Albania  

*The EBRD has invested €1.2 billion in 84 projects in Albania, where it focusses on the sustainable development of the private sector, enhancing the commercialisation of infrastructure projects and promoting sustainable energy and environmentally sound investments. 


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  


Start year:  2017  

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


Regional Energy Efficiency Program for the Western Balkans (REEP) Program for the energy efficient rehabilitation of Dormitories of the University of Tirana, Albania 

*Phase I of the project
*Rehabilitation of dormitories for the improvement of energy efficiency
*19 student dormitories in Tirana University campus area, will undergo energy-efficiency renovation based on structural energy audits, and at least three new buildings will be built.
*The project is part of the Student City Masterplan and has been made possible thanks to a €4.78 million grant from the EU through the Western Balkans Investment Facility (WBIF) and €21 million (investment loan plus grant for technical assistance) by the German Federal Government through the KfW Development Bank. These funds add to the €9.4 million in grant funds committed through the KfW before 2021.


KfW, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF) 


Student City Masterplan 

Start year:  2017  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2017 - 2023 


De-Risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy Efficient Building Retrofits  

* Improvement of energy efficiency (EE) in Armenia through building retrofits, addressing high levels of energy poverty and high use of imported fossil fuels for heating.
* The goal is to build the market for building retrofits in Armenia
* GCF will invest USD 14 million loan to make EE loans for building retrofits more affordable and GCF adds USD 6 million in technical assistance to remove barriers to building retrofits
* Municipality of Yerevan adds USD 8 million in co-financing
* Ministry of Nature Protection provides USD 0.4 million
* UNDP provides USD 1.4 million


National Governments, UNDP, Green Climate Fund 


Government of Armenia, Armenia Ministry of Environment 

Start year:  2017  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2017 - 2022 


Electic Networks of Armenia (ENA) - Modernisation of Distribution Network  

* Loan of USD 80 million to Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) to finance a 5-year USD 200 million investment programme for the modernisation of the distribution network including the introduction of smart metering across Armenia.
*The loan supports the borrower in the modernisation of outdated Armenian power infrastructure.
* The project involves the refurbishment of substations, updating of equipment including the vehicle fleet and meters, building renovations, and the reconstruction of several transmission lines




Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA)  

Start year:  2017  

End year:   

Timeline:  2017 - ongoing  


Comprehensive Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) 

*Energy Efficiency standards and norms are being aligned line with the EU acquis established by laws such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and Ecodesign.
*Commitment to enhance the security amd safety of energy supply through the promotion of energy efficiency and energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources
*Implementation of EU Directives on Energy Efficiency Requirements


European Union 


European Atomic Energy Community, Republic of Armenia  

Start year:  2019  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2019 - 2021 


Yerevan Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Project 

*€15 million Yerevan Energy Efficiency Project, supported by the EIB, E5P, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) via UNDP and the Municipality of Yerevan, targeting public buildings (municipal buildings)
* Funds for the Yerevan Energy Efficiency Project come from a €7 million loan from the EIB, guaranteed by the European Union, a €5 million investment grant from the E5P, a €1 million technical assistance grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and €2 million of own funds of the Municipality of Yerevan.
*Financing for insulation of public buildings, especially kindergartens, retrofitting buildings with new windows and doors and improvements to heating, cooling and ventilation systems to reduce energy waste and improve comfort and safety for staff and children alike.


EIB, Green Climate Fund, Eastern European Energy Efficiency and Environment Program (E5P) 


Yeveran Municipality  

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2020 - 2025 


Sustainable Energy Scale-up Project  

*The objective of the project is to scale up efficient energy use in space heating of multi-apartment buildings and renewable wood biomass utilization for heating in selected localities in Belarus
*The funding is provided by 2 loans from the World Bank (IBRD: $99.3 million) and the European Investment Bank ($99.3 million), and a grant from the Global Environment Facility ($3.65 million). The total project cost will be $202.25 million.
*Switching heating plants from gas to woodchips, renovating the heating systems of multiapartment buildings, and by providing technical assistance to the national thermal renovation programme.


EIB, IBRD, Other 

Global Environment Facility 

Energy Efficiency Department of the State Standardization Committee, Ministry of Housing and Utilities, Grodno and Mogilev Oblast Executive Committees 

Start year:  2019  

End year:   

Timeline:  2019 - ongoing  


European Investment Bank (EIB) support for Energy Efficiency  

*The EIB has signed 3 loans supporting projects in Belarus:
1. A € 90m loan will finance the replacement of obsolete gas-fired boilers with biomass boilers capable of producing around 1 000 GWh/year of renewable energy instead of using fossil fuel. The project also involves the upgrade of district heating systems through the installation of new peak boilers and the modernisation of grids in all six Belarus regions. The loan – provided under the European Union’s EU4Energy Programme – will support thermal renovation of multi-apartment buildings with a total floor area of 500 000 m2. This will help to significantly cut the housing sector’s energy consumption, resulting in energy savings of around 60 GWh/year, and reduce dependence on imported fuel.
2. €85 million loan to Belarusbank and 3. €20 million to Belagroprombank aim to improve access to long-term financing for Belarus's SMEs.




EU4Energy Programme, Belarusbank, Belagroprombank  

Start year:  2014  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2014 - 2022 


Biomass District Heating Project  

*The Project Development Objective is to scale up the efficient use of renewable biomass in heat and electricity generation in selected towns of Belarus.
* USD 90 million project finanicing form IBRD
*The Project finances the replacement of existing gas and oil boilers by biomass boilers, the provision of wood-chipping
equipment and biomass fuel storage facilities, the installation of individual building-level heat substations with temperature
control, and the upgrading of district heating networks.




Energy Efficiency Department of the State, Standardization Committee, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Housing and Utilities, Participating district heating utilities 

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Belarus Public Buildings Energy Efficiency Project 

*The project development objective is to improve the energy efficiency in selected public buildings, and design and demonstrate a sustainable financing mechanism to support the scale-up of energy efficiency in public buildings.
*The proposed project will include the following project components: (i) EE investments in public buildings and pipeline
development; and (ii) project management and capacity building




Government of the Republic of Belarus 

Start year:  2021  

End year:  2024  

Timeline:  2021 - 2024 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Decarbonization of Residential Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

*Sweden is allocating € 7.2 million for two projects aimed to reduce the environmental impact of excessive energy use and improve energy efficiency of public and residential buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
*The GED aims to institutionalize the energy management activities within the public sector buildings
*The three-year project aims to build foundations for the development of municipal financial mechanisms for the implementation of energy efficiency measures on residential buildings while generating green jobs and reducing CO2 emissions. The activities will be rolled out in 36 municipalities.


National Governments, Other 

Government of Sweden  


Start year:  2021  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2018 - 2021 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Green Economic Development (GED)  

*Sweden is funding € 5 million to the “Green Economic Development” (GED) project
*The project aims to continue improving energy efficiency and stimulating renewable energy use in public buildings and production processes in Small and medium Enterprises across the country.
* The project will also support SMEs by implementing the Green Finance Incentive Scheme – subsidizing of interest rates for implementation of energy efficiency/renewable energy measures.


National Governments, Other 

Sweden Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of Republika Srpska 

UNDP, BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Entity ministries of spatial planning, Cantonal ministries, Municipalities  

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2026  

Timeline:  2018 - 2026 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Scaling-Up Investment in Low-Carbon Public Buildings 

*USD 17.346 million Green Climate Fund grant and additional US$ 105.22 million of co-finance from a range of sources, such as the Environmental Funds, entity and municipal budgets, and international organizations (UNDP, GEF, the World Bank, Sida), by addressing country and sector-specific investment risks.
*The objective is to scale-up investment in low-carbon public buildings via design and implementation of the National Framework for Low-Carbon Investment in Public Buildings, comprising an integrated package of policy, regulatory, technological, informational, financial and managerial solutions designed to address country-specific risks and barriers to investment.
*The Project will result in a four-to five-fold increase in the level of investment in low-carbon public buildings. This will enable BiH to meet its stated objective to reduce GHG emissions from the public buildings sector.


Green Climate Fund 


UNDP, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, Federal Ministry of Physical Planning, Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering, Ecology of Republika SrpskaEnvironmental Fund BiH, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of Republika Srpska 

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2020 - 2021 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Sarajevo  

*Priority project under Green City Action Plan
*The EBRD is contributing a EUR 8 million loan, while the EU is extending a EUR 2 million grant for the refurbishment of 40 buildings in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The works are a priority project under the Green City Action Plan for the Sarajevo Canton.
*The energy savings are estimated to be around 13.7 GWh and would result in 4,774 tonnes of CO2 savings annually. Energy efficiency measures will include the introduction of cleaner and more efficient heating, better insulation, better lighting and overall improvements.


EBRD, European Union 



Start year:  2014  

End year:  2024  

Timeline:  2014 - 2024 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Energy Efficiency Project  

*The objective of the project is to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public sector buildings and support the development of scalable energy efficiency financing models.
*IDA: USD 32.0 million loan
*The project has 3 components: 1) Energy Efficiency investments in public facilities will support energy efficiency investments ('subprojects') in schools, hospitals, and clinic centers. This component will finance energy efficiency upgrades, as well as related technical consultancy services. 2) Support for the development of scalable financing mechanisms and capacity building will support the development of sustainable energy efficiency financing mechanisms in the public sector, strengthen implementation capacity, and help to increase public awareness on energy efficiency. 3) Project management will ensure effective project management by the project implementing units (PIUs) through financing additional experts, trainings for PIU staff, and covering incremental operating costs.


International Development Association (IDA), World Bank Group 



Start year:  2019  

End year:   

Timeline:  2019 - ongoing  

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Energy Efficiency Project: Additional Finanicing  

*The project development objective is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, and to support the development and implementa tion of scalable energy efficiency financing models
*The project aims to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public sector building and support the development of scalable energy efficiency financing models.
*One of the changes that occurred was to the PDO. Other changes that occurred were to the results framework, components and cost and procurement. The proposed new PDO is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, and to support the development and implementation of scalable energy efficiency financing models.


IBRD, World Bank Group 



Start year:  2020  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2020 - 2023 

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Decarbonization of the energy sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

*The goal is to set up functional units that are dedicated to planning, coordinating and monitoring long-term decarbonisation scenarios aligned to the 2050 targets. Supporting the creation of a digital monitoring system operated by the state and entity ministries of energy, the state and the entity agencies of statistics and other relevant authorities will allow for progress tracking.
*Furthermore, the project is improving the abilities of public institutions to conduct public consultations and to establish dialogue between civil society and the public and private sectors. In addition to this, energy managers at state, entity, cantonal and municipal level receive training to improve the quality of data collection using the envisaged monitoring system.


National Governments, Other 

Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) 

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MoFTER) 

Start year:  2022  

End year:   

Timeline:  2022 - ongoing  

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (Regional Energy Efficiency Programme) 

*The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) are stepping up support for Bosnia and Herzegovina by providing a €6 million financial package to help it improve the energy efficiency of its public buildings.
*The package includes a €4.5 million EBRD loan and a €1 million investment grant from the EU, and will finance energy efficiency measures in 20 public buildings in Republika Srpska, including 16 schools and 3 hospitals. In addition, the EU is providing a €500,000 technical assistance grant for project implementation.
*The energy measures will include thermal insulation, new windows, upgraded heating, ventilation and cooling systems, and energy efficient lighting. Once these improvements have been made, managers will be appointed to monitor the energy consumption and performance of each building.
*The improvements are expected to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 90 per cent, heat consumption by around 80 per cent and electricity consumption by 63 per cent.


EBRD, European Union 


Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of Republika Srpska 

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  

Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina  

Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (EEiPB) 

* Financed by KfW with a Financial Contribution (grant) in the amount of EUR 9,5 million
*The Project concerns the promotion of energy efficient reconstruction and modernization of selected public buildings in the education sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1) Energy efficient reconstruction and modernization of approximately 20 school and kindergarten facilities;
2) Services provided by the Project Implementation Consultant




Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MSP FBIH)  

Start year:  2019  

End year:   

Timeline:  2019 - 2029  


Programme for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Georgia  

*The aim is the Energy Efficiency upgrade and rehabilitation of public buildings (mainly schools) covering the entire Georgia.
*The Programme consists of an investment component co-financed by EBRD and KfW and an accompanied technical assistance (TA) package to support implementation.
*To support Georgia in improving energy efficiency in public buildings through investments in viable and technically feasible measures. The dedicated renovation of public buildings will reduce energy consumption, building operation costs while improving comfort level and structural sustainability of target buildings.
* Funding by the EU: €12 650 000





Start year:  2017  

End year:   

Timeline:  2017 - ongoing  


Energy Efficiency in Public buildings in Georgia  

*The overall objective of the project is to implement energy saving measures in public buildings in various climatic zones in Georgia and combine these demand side measures with supplies side measures, focusing primarily on introducing renewables.
* The investments are intended to work as demonstration projects for the new expected building codes, which can inspire and leverage similar investments in a large number of public buildings throughout the country and increase outreach by involving small municipalities and small locations.
* € 3 million E5P Grant, € 7 million CEB loan, and € 1.6 million other grants


Eastern European Energy Efficiency and Environment Program (E5P), Other 

Council of Europe Development Bank 


Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Energy Efficiency Improvements in Public Schools in Mountainous Regions  

*Project includes combination of energy efficiency and structural improvements in 15 public schools in remote mountainous regions in Georgia. This involves measures for the building envelop including thermal insulation, replacement of windows and doors.
* Measures for rehabilitating, installing or upgrading heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
* The structural improvements include rehabilitation of ceilings, floors, interior staircases, electrical systems and porch structures, and sanitary improvements including water supply and sewage.



Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)  


Start year:  2018  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2019 - 2021 


Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings and the use of Renewables and Alternative Energy  

*Total investment for the project is EUR 5.14 million => NEFCO: EUR 2.83 million Loan / E5P: EUR 1.87 million Grant / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark: EUR 0.44 million Grant
*The purpose of the project is to contribute to the implementation of Georgia’s National Determined Contribution submitted to the UNFCCC
*The demonstration project aims to introduce energy efficiency measures and use of renewables in public buildings in Georgia
*Energy efficiency measures include improvements to roofs, walls and pipes, installation of new ventilation systems, installation and replacement of boilers, installation of heat pipes, installation of thermostatic valves and other automation control systems, installation of LED lamps and exterior lighting systems as well as installation of solar PV energy systems. Renewable energy will be introduced wherever possible. The project has a large up-scaling potential.


Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nefco), National Governments, Other 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark  

Ministry of Finance of Georgia  

Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF)  

*US$30 million Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) in Kazakhstan to support gender inclusive green finance for households and small private sector companies investing in green technology solutions.
*Clients can identify typical green technologies av
*Businesses and homeowners investing in green technologies will be eligible for a grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Additionally, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance is funding GEFF’s technical assistance and the development of Green Technology Selector.ailable in Kazakhstan through the GreenTechnology Selector – a catalogue of eligible local and international technologies and equipment.
*EBRD has invested almost €8.6 billion through 276 projects in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), National Governments, Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  


Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  

Country:Region Global  

Global Environment Fund Small Grants Programme  

*The project offer support for community organizations to develop and implement adaptive management projects that build social, economic, and ecological resilience based on, and reinforced, by global environmental and local sustainable development benefits.
*Provision of grant support to public organizations (NGOs) and local communities in rural regions for implementation of small projects in the main GEF thematic areas: biodiversity conservation, climate change (mitigation and adaptation), land degradation (sustainable land and water management); and also to increase NGOs and local communities’ capacities in addressing socio-economic issues, implementation and promotion of "green" technologies at the local level.



Global Environment Fund (GEF) 


Start year:  2013  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2013 - 2022 


Kazakhstan Energy Efficiency Project (KEEP)  

*The Energy Efficiency Project for the Republic of Kazakhstan will improve energy efficiency in public and social facilities and the enabling environment for sustainable energy financing.
*The project consists of 2 components:
1) Investment: finance eligible subprojects to support a reduction in energy use of public buildings such as schools, kindergartens, clinics/hospitals, and street lighting
2) Technical Assistance: to help ensure effective project implementation
*The Development Objectives of the proposed project are to improve: (a) energy efficiency in public and social facilities; and (b) the enabling environment for sustainable energy financing.


World Bank Group, National Governments, Other 

Republic of Kazakhstan 

Ministry for Industry and Infrastructure Development, JSC Energy Efficiency Development Institute (KazakhEnergoExpertise) 

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2018 - 2023 


Heat Supply Improvement Project 

*USD 41 million grant by the International Development Agency (IDA)
*The development objective is to improve the efficiency and quality of heating in selected Project areas.
1. Component: Improving supply efficiency and quality of the District Heating (DH) system in Bishkek, aims to support priority investments and capacity building activities aimed at improving the supply efficiency and quality of the DH system in Bishkek
2. Component: Piloting efficient and clean heating stoves, aims to pilot efficient and clean heating solutions for households that don’t have access to DH and are relying on traditional, inefficient and polluting solid fuel-fired heating stoves and Low pressure boilers (LPBs).
3. Component: Demonstrating the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public buildings, aims to support the Government’s Action Plan on reducing electricity consumption in public buildings by improving their energy efficiency and will help to build local market capacity in preparing and implementing energy efficient and seismic building retrofits.


International Development Association (IDA), World Bank Group 



Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Additional Financing to Heat Supply Improvement Project  

*The Project Development Objective is to improve the efficiency and quality of heating in selected Project areas.
*US$ 2.66 million financing by the energy management assistance program


International Development Association (IDA), World Bank Group 



Start year:  2013  

End year:   

Timeline:  2013 - ongoing  


Kyrgyz Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (KYRSEFF)  

*USD 20 million credit line facility from the EBRD
*KyrSEFF provides credits and grants to increase energy and resource-efficiency in the housing sector and for industrial buildings. The program is also based on best practices from Europe through the Program on financing of sustainable energy (SEFF) of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
* energy efficiency measures should include projects for modernization of the heating system, of street lighting, of implementation of energy accounting, thermal refurbishment and others. Kyrgyzstan has enormous potentials for implementation of energy efficiency measures





Start year:  2016  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2016 - 2021 


Kyrgyz Sustainable Energy Financing Facility PHASE II (KYRSEFF)  

*Building on the achievements of the KyrSEFF I , the EBRD extended the KyrSEFF with a second credit line of up to USD 35 million in 2016.
*KyrSEFF II goes beyond energy efficiency and renewable energy by including water resource efficiency investments. Supported projects focus on resilience and adaptation to climate change.
*KyrSEFF II supports households selecting and installing appropriate water saving measures and increasing the efficiency of irrigation in the agricultural sector. It further assists the tourism and hospitality sector to save water and to treat waste water. KyrSEFF II continuously supports households and companies in maximizing their EE potential.





Start year:  2019  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2019 - 2023 


Programme for the Development of Green Economy 

*The Programme for the Development of Green Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic has been enacted, setting out a strategy and plan to create the basis for the introduction of green economy approaches to the development of the national economy by 2023.
* One of the priorities of the programm include Green Energy: Renewables, energy efficiency, retrofitting, district heating, emissions etc.



Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)  


Start year:  2018  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2018 - 2023 


Montenegro Energy Efficiency Project (MEEP) 

*The project development objective is to improve energy efficiency in health sector buildings, and to develop and demonstrate a sustainable financing model.
*Implementation of energy efficiency measures in six healthcare buildings and nine educational buildings
*The project will be supported by a €6 million IBRD loan and consists of three components:
1) EE investments in health sector buildings; 2) Technical assistance; and 3) Project implementation support.


IBRD, World Bank Group 


Montenegro Ministry of Health and Ministry of Economy , UNDP, KfW, EU 

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2024  

Timeline:  2018 - 2024 


Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Buildings (EEPPB) - Greening Public Infrastructure in Montenegro 

*KfW is giving Montenegro a loan of € 45 million and a € 4.8 million grant for the third phase of the project for energy efficiency in public buildings. The money will be made available for the third phase of the EEPPB project.
*The loan has a term of 15 years, with a grace period of five years, at a fixed interest rate of 1.06 percent. The KfW grant is provided through the Western Balkans Investment Framework of the European Investment Bank.
*The approach of the programme includes classic measures to increase energy efficiency: roofs and facades are insulated, windows, doors and lighting are renewed. And new, more climate-friendly heating systems are installed.
* As part of the programme, all 2,500 public buildings in Montenegro are to be equipped with modern energy management systems, such as smart meters and other sensor and other sensors and measuring devices. Further technologies, such as photovoltaics and solar thermal energy for own electricity use or heat generation as well as an appropriate architectural design of the buildings are implemented.


KfW, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF) 


Montenegro Ministry of Economy, German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 

Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF)  

*The programme will benefit from over €27 million in incentives to lend borrowers provided by the European Union through the Western Balkans Investment Framework.
*Technical assistance of the program to support the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the programme is supported by grants by the government of the Republic of Austria with over €5 million and additional nearly €2 million by bilateral donors to the WBIF.
*Homeowners who benefit from financing under the programme can select technologies they wish to invest in (from a catalogue of pre-approved energy-efficient equipment) and they will also be eligible to apply for an EU grant for up to 20 per cent of their investment. Households installing energy efficiency solutions such as double-glazed windows or new boilers can also access financing under the programme.


EBRD, Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Crnogorska Komercijalna Banka (CKB)
Energy Community Secretariat

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2020 - 2025  

Country:Republic of Macedonia  

Public Sector Energy Efficiency Project 

*The development objective are to: (i) reduce energy consumption in the public sector; and (ii) support the development and implementation of a sustainable financing mechanism for energy efficiency in the public sector.
*This project has three components:
1) Energy efficiency investments in the public sector, with 3 subcomponents: (i) EE Investments in Municipal Sector; (ii) EE Investments in Central Government Buildings; and (iii) Technical studies to support investments.
2) Technical assistance and implementation support, aims to provide a strong basis for EE in the public sector.
3) Initial capital for the proposed EE Fund, aims to be used to support EE Fund staff, operating costs, marketing, initial audits/designs and investments.




Ministry or Finance North Macedonia  

Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  

Country:Republic of Macedonia  

Municipal Energy Management Project  

*The main objective of this project is to help create the necessary conditions for municipalities to improve their use of energy resources.The project will achieve this objective by increasing the capacities of all municipalities to implement energy-efficiency measures and raising awareness of the benefits of better energy management.
*UNDP will be developing and piloting a streamlined and affordable energy-management system in the Skopje municipality of Karposh as a model for future adoption throughout the country.
*Energy efficiency measures will be implemented in two public buildings—a school and a kindergarten. The aim is to improve the municipality's capacity to develop and implement measures to improve energy efficiency and to showcase the benefits of such measures.
*The project will finance an important upgrade of an energy-management software package called ExCITE—software that is expected to become mandatory for all municipalities. This software, developed with UNDP’s support, and now used by all municipalities, streamlines the monitoring of energy use in all public buildings, as well as public lighting, and should become a key tool in municipal energy management.
*The project will also develop a specific module for remote monitoring of energy use in buildings and public lighting.
*The knowledge and experience gained in municipal energy management will subsequently be disseminated to as many municipalities as possible through workshops, printed material and web-based info points.
*As well as providing training in the use of energy-efficiency software, the project will help municipalities to apply ‘Green Office’ practices.
*The Project will also include information and promotion activities highlighting the multiple benefits of energy efficiency.These campaigns will be targeted both at municipal decision-makers and the general public.



The Government of North Macedonia 

Municipality of Karpos 

Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  

Country:Republic of Macedonia  

Green Investments in North Macedonia - Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) 

*€1 million EBRD loan to Komercijalna Banka Skopje under Green Economy Financing Facilities (GEFF)
* The project supports the financing of energy-efficient investments in the residential sector. This will include investments in high-performance green technologies, materials and solutions undertaken in privately-owned residential dwellings or buildings.
*GEFF is implemented under the umbrella of the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP Plus), funded by the EU and implemented in partnership with the Energy Community Secretariat.


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), National Governments, Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Komercijalna Banka Skopje 

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  

Country:Republic of Macedonia  

Energy Efficiency in North Macedonia - Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) 

*The EBRD is providing a loan of €2 million to ProCredit Bank for on-lending to homeowners in North Macedonia for energy-efficiency investments
*The financing is secured by the €135 million GEFF programme for the Western Balkans, which is co-financed by the EU, the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, and is part of the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP) for the Western Balkans. The credit line is part of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) programme.
*The funds will be available to private borrowers to invest in energy-saving measures, such as insulation, windows, heat pumps and solar panels.


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), National Governments, Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

ProCredit Bank North Macedonia

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Moldova Buildings Energy Efficiency 

*A loan of up to € 30 million to the Republic of Moldova to finance energy and resource efficiency upgrades and rehabilitation of public buildings across the country.
*The EBRD loan will be co-financed by a € 30 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and an investment grant of about € 12.4 million from the EU's Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP).
*The financed measures will include but will not be limited to thermal insulation, associated structural works, replacement of doors and windows, installation of high-efficiency lighting and heating, cooling and ventilating upgrades including replacement of inefficient boilers, installation of thermostatic valves, renewable energy systems and energy management systems as well as related energy audits, design and construction supervision.
*The Project aims to improve energy efficiency at the building level prioritising public buildings, both municipal and state-owned, across the country, which will result in significant environmental benefits through energy savings and reduction of carbon emissions.


EBRD, EIB, Other 

Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP) 

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MoIRD), Moldovan Energy Efficiency Agency (EEA), Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) 

Start year:  2018  

End year:   

Timeline:  2018 - ongoing  


Moldova Energy Efficiency  

*The operation is a framework loan (FL) in support of sustainable energy efficiency improvements targeting public and residential buildings in various cities in the Republic of Moldova. Part of the allocations under the FL has already been identified ex ante and consists of the refurbishment of 139 public buildings. The remainder of the pipeline of allocations will be further developed by the Energy Efficiency Agency and the promoter, with advisory support.
*The main objective of this operation is to increase the energy efficiency of public and residential buildings.
*EIB finance: € 58 million




Energy Efficiency Agency  

Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Residential Energy Efficiency Subsidy Program Moldova - Use of Carbon trade revenue  

*The project investigates the feasibility and design of a new residential energy efficiency and renewable energy subsidy program that will be financed by the sale of two types of carbon emissions credits: 1) Paris Agreement Article 6 International Transfers of *Mitigation Outcomes—ITMOs, and 2) sale of emission allowances under future emissions trading scheme in Moldova. This shall lead to an understanding of how much each trading scheme can potentially generate through a greening energy efficiency mechanism in the residential sector and ultimately saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and local pollution.
*The project is led by BEZK, a non-governmental organisation working in the field of environmental protection




Energy Efficiency Agency

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2020 - 2025 


Second District Heating Efficiency Improvement Project  

*USD 100 million IBRD commitment
*The objective of the Project is to increase the efficiency of the District Heating system in Chisinau. The project has 2 components:
1. Optimization of Heat and Electricity Generation component
2. Energy Efficiency Investments component will finance energy efficiency investments by Termoelectrica (TE) in selected public and residential buildings, including pilot investments of switch to horizontal internal layout and thermal rehabilitation, such as: (i) Installation of circa 140 Individual Heat Substations (IHSs) and associated piping in selected residential and public buildings; (ii) Pilot investments in reconstruction of internal heat




Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit 

Start year:  2016  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2016 - 2022 


Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova  

*The project cooperates with national partner institutions to strengthen the planning and implementation capacities of local authorities. It supports these partners in developing the legal and institutional framework for regional development in order to improve local public services in rural areas, in four sectors:
1) Water supply and sanitation
2) Solid waste management
3) Regional and local roads
4) Energy efficiency of public buildings


European Union, National Governments, Other 

Gesellschaft fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) German Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 

Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment 

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Energy efficient buildings renovation  

*The EBRD, the EIB, the bank of the EU will jointly provide €75 million to improve energy efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of public buildings in Moldova. The EBRD and EIB are supporting Moldova’s energy efficiency of public buildings by lending €30 million each, with the European Union complementing the investment with €15.2 million in grants from its Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP) and Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF). EU grants will finance the technical assistance in support of project implementation with €2.8 million and increase the number of energy efficient renovations of public buildings with €12.4 million.The EIB will manage the EU grant.
*The project is expected to attract private sector expertise and include energy performance provisions and technical specifications in construction contracts. It will be a major opportunity to create local jobs and boost the construction sector in Moldova.
*Improved energy efficiency is key to Moldova`s energy independence, faster transition to a carbon-neutral economy and the success of global climate action


EBRD, European Union, EIB 


Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP), Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF) 

Start year:  2017  

End year:   

Timeline:  2017 - ongoing  


Climate-friendly construction project  

*The BMU is providing Moldova with €200,000 in funding
*The goal is to promote climate-friendly building technology in Moldova. The effort is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) project Global PPP Programme III
*The project focuses on introducing newly developed technology to build more energy-efficient houses



German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety's (BMU) 

Glashandel Koelewijn, TGS Business, Uniqa Wall Systems 

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Improvement of energy efficiency in the „Mărțișor” kindergarten of Șoldănești city 

*The investment program, which has the total estimated cost of approximately €234,000 (loan funds, and local co-funding), will require the procurement of the following works, goods, and services for implementation of energy efficiency measures in in “Martisor” day-care center in Soldanesti city: Thermal insulation of walls, Replacement of the roofing and its thermal insulation, Thermal insulation of the floor above the basement on the soffit, Replacement of doors and windows, Internal heating system replacement (radiators, pipes, valves, etc.), Thermal insulation of heating pipes in basements and technical ducts and other related works. 


Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nefco), Other 

Șoldănești City Council 


Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Russia Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP) 

*NIB has so far earmarked € 60 million for on-lending to REEP projects.
*Long-term funding programme aimed at improving energy efficiency in the industrial and district heating sectors in the Russian Federation.
*REEP will help potential borrowers in Russia to develop eligible projects and provide funds for them
*The goal is to try out a new approach to identifying and appraising potential projects as well as raising awareness about energy efficiency
*For support in project development, NIB has contracted the Swedish consultancy company Grontmij AB. Under a two-year contract, the consultant will help identify potential projects, carry out measurements of energy efficiency and environmental assessments, organise training in environmental and energy efficiency related matters as well as assist in promoting REEP in Russia.



Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)  


Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Improving Urban Housing Efficiency and Financing Facilitation for Building Modernization in the Russian Federation 

* Key objective of the Program is to reduce GHG emissions in Russia by facilitating finance for energy efficient rehabilitation of the residential housing stock.
*A systematic approach was adopted to achieve the stated objective. Program Team provides support in three areas – legislation enhancement, development of financing mechanisms and awareness raising and capacity building in implementation and financing of energy efficiency projects in the urban housing stock.
*The Program is implemented on federal and subnational level and provides advisory and technical support to government authorities to enhance state policy and implementation of the energy efficiency measures in Russian residential housing sector.


World Bank Group 


Housing and Communal Services Fund (ZhKH Fund)  

Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF)  

* € 10 million EBRD loan to Erste Bank Serbia and an additional Eu funded cashback incentive worth up to 20 percent of the loan amount
*Provision of loans to households for energy efficiency improvements
*The program provides loans to househoolds for EE improvements
* implemented under the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for Western Balkans
*joint initiative of the EU, bilateral donors and beneficiary countries cooperating under the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). REEP Plus is implemented by the EBRD in close collaboration with the Energy Community Secretariat.


EBRD, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Erste Bank Serbia  

Start year:  2014  

End year:   

Timeline:  2014 - ongoing  


Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Buildings (EEP)  

*The programme aims to improve the poor situation and WBIF are assisting with grant support for technical assistance.
*A key objective of the programme is that it acts as an example of best practice: it should demonstrate to municipal and government officials together with local communities the benefits of investment in energy efficiency measures.
*The total value of the programme is estimated to be €18 million, to be financed through a €15 million loan from KfW, a contribution from the beneficiary municipalities and a WBIF grant of €1.3 million for technical assistance.


KfW, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), Other 

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoES) 


Start year:  2020  

End year:  2024  



Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Buildings (EEP) Phase II 

*€ 20 million loan from KfW and € 1.5 million EU grant
*The Project concerns the energy efficient rehabilitation of public buildings in selected municipalities throughout Serbia.
*The purpose of the Project is to contribute to improved energy performance in targeted buildings, to strengthen capacities for carrying out decentralized public infrastructure projects with focus on energy efficiency and to stimulate local value chains. The Project comprises the energy efficient rehabilitation of ca. 50-60 public buildings in selected municipalities throughout Serbia.


European Union, KfW 



Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


Serbia Energy Efficiency Framework in buildings (SEEF)  

*The SEEF consists of a facility of up to € 40 million to support investments in energy efficiency improvements in: 1) public buildings and 2) residential buildings connected to district heating (DH) systems in Serbia.
*The eligible borrowers include Serbian municipalities, DH companies and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Targeted sub-projects will have energy savings potential of at least 30 per cent.
*The SEEF aims to accelerate the pace of EE renovations in public and residential buildings in Serbia by providing technical assistance, investment incentives and financing through public sector intermediaries. The SEEF will help identifying and prioritising EE investments leading to significant energy savings and contributing to several additional benefits: air pollution and GHG emission reduction, enhanced health-related living conditions, productivity and comfort levels of inhabitants, increased employment and capacity in the construction industry.
*Another key element is support for the introduction of best practices in the country in terms of energy management such as transition to consumption based billing (CBB) systems and behavioural change. In addition, the Framework will also aim at ensuring increased standards of inclusive access in renovated public and residential buildings.

*The SEEF consists of a facility of up to € 40 million to support investments in energy efficiency improvements in: 1) public buildings and 2) residential buildings connected to district heating (DH) systems in Serbia.
*The eligible borrowers include Serbian municipalities, DH companies and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Targeted sub-projects will have energy savings potential of at least 30 per cent.
*The SEEF aims to accelerate the pace of EE renovations in public and residential buildings in Serbia by providing technical assistance, investment incentives and financing through public sector intermediaries. The SEEF will help identifying and prioritising EE investments leading to significant energy savings and contributing to several additional benefits: air pollution and GHG emission reduction, enhanced health-related living conditions, productivity and comfort levels of inhabitants, increased employment and capacity in the construction industry.
*Another key element is support for the introduction of best practices in the country in terms of energy management such as transition to consumption based billing (CBB) systems and behavioural change. In addition, the Framework will also aim at ensuring increased standards of inclusive access in renovated public and residential buildings.




Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  


EDS Smart Metering Expansion  

* € 40 million loan to Elektrodistribucija Srbije (EDS) to finance the smart metering infrastructure in the Serbian distributing system
* The EIB is expected to finance further roll-out with another € 40 million loan
* The project supports the installation of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
* The project aim to achieve more efficient energy consumption





Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Tajikistan Energy Efficiency Framework 

*The EBRD provides sovereign or sovereign guaranteed debt facilities for an aggregate amount of up to € 43 million to facilitate the modernisation and strengthening of the electricity networks in Tajikistan.
*The project includes the installation of billing and metering infrastructure and rehabilitation of distribution lines with overall target of improving access to reliable power infrastructure.




JSC Barki Tojik 

Start year:  2015  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2015 - 2022 


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Water Management  

* € 7 million contributed to the project since 2015
* The project will address the problems of water management, energy consumption, land degradation (salinization), and agricultural productivity through integrated activities, with a goal toward achieving multiple benefits in different areas.
* This integrated approach will be practically applied and technically proven first at specific sites in the Akhal velayat, then replicated across the country through region-specific planning and outreach, as well as supporting policies and investment at the national level.
*The project will address the problems of water management, energy consumption, land degradation (salinization), and agricultural productivity through integrated activities, with a goal toward achieving multiple benefits in different areas. Thus, improved water management will lead not only to greater water availability, but also to significant energy savings, avoided GHG emissions, and reduced salinization


UNDP, Other 

UNDP Global Environment Fund Truste 

Ministry of Agriculture and Environment  

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2018 - 2021 


Warm schools and kindergartens – a key to children’s health: complex project of increasing the energy conservation in the educational institutions of town Dubno 

* € 730,723 funding by the EU
* Specific goal of the Project – to create the favourable temperature conditions for children and staff in the educational institutions of town Dubno, providing the provision of high-quality services of heat supply and increasing the level of their energy efficiency.
* General purposes of the Project:
- to reduce the heat energy consumption in the educational institutions of the town;
- to reach the ecological effect by reducing the GHG emissions;
- to enhance the town community erudition in branch of energy-saving, providing the demonstration of the Project implementation.


European Union 


Dubno City Council  

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2018 - 2022 


Energy-Efficient District Lviv 

*On behalf of the BMU, GIZ is supporting Ukrainian municipalities in creating incentives for the renovation of residential buildings
*A residential area in Lviv is comprehensively thermally renovated. This project is a positive example of the energetic and economic advantages of renovation to increase energy efficiency and serves as a reference for the national Energy Efficiency Fund.
*As a first step, the project is reviewing the building stock, social structure and energy consumption in the district together with the Lviv City Council. Plans will then be made with homeowners for the thermal renovation. These will include, for example, the installation of facade insulation and new ventilation and heating systems that allow residents to regulate the temperature in their apartments.


National Governments, Other 

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) 

Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (MinRegion) 

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2020 - 2025 


Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine 

* The project advises the Ukrainian Government on legal frameworks for energy, for example in matters of thermal modernisation.
* It also provides training in energy management for municipal employees. At the same time the project advises partners from the state, business and civil society on how they can use Energy Community investments in their region to best effect.
* As part of the national strategy for the thermal modernisation of buildings, a database was introduced in 2020 documenting the indicators for 13,000 public buildings in 23 regions of Ukraine. The project supports data collection as well as the preparation of new laws.
* The project develops and organises training courses, webinars and online conferences.


National Governments, Other 

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Switzerland State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)  

Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine 

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2018 - 2021 


Support of the national energy efficiency fund and of a climate-friendly reform agenda (S2I) 

* The government is setting up a national Energy Efficiency Fund, which will enable and encourage the refurbishment of buildings. Since most homeowners cannot afford to pay for the construction work, the Fund steps in with grants.
* The fund will provide grants for homeowners to afford construction work (better thermal insulationand modern heating systems). This reduces greenhouse emissions and the state benefits because it does not have to provide energy-related social assistance
* Ukraine, Germany and the EU are providing money for the Energy Efficiency Fund. The German contribution amounts to € 20 million.
*The project supports the Ukrainian Government in setting up the Fund. Together, the partners are creating the necessary structures for handling investments and are developing strategies, human resources concepts and work programmes. A technical office set up specifically for the purpose accepts the project applications and decides on their eligibility for funding.


European Union, National Governments, Other 

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Government of the Ukraine  

Ministry for Community and Territorial Development  

Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Public Buildings Energy Efficiency Project 

* € 150 000 donation by the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF) and a € 300 million EIB loan and contributions from E5P and the EU
* The project aims to increase EE in 1000 buildings (mainly kindergatens, hospitals, schools) to save more than 1 million tonnes of CO2 and benefit 2.5 million people


European Union, EIB, Other 

Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund  

Ministry for Community and Territorial Development  

Start year:  2014  

End year:   

Timeline:  2014 - ongoing  


Warm loans program  

*Energy efficiency in the residential sector wid promoted with the “Warm Loans” programme since 2014.
* The state reimburses program participants 20-35% of the cost of goods bought on credit. The energy efficiency measures include insulation of buildings, installation of water and heat meters, heaters with thermostatic regulators, replacement of windows, modernization of lighting and other things.
*On average, this program helps to reduce heat consumption in condominiums by 20% and gas consumption at homes by 30%.


National Governments, Other 

Ukrainian Government  


Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  


Norwegian-Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Initiative 

*Norway will contribute €20 million. NEFCO will leverage each project with loans. Norway and NEFCO plan to direct half of the funding to smaller demonstration projects, about 10 to 12 per year, with soft loans of up to EUR 500,000 for each project. The other half is intended for 3 to 4 larger projects for which NEFCO will provide up to EUR 5 million in loans. Further, the beneficiaries are expected to provide at least 10 per cent of the project cost from their own funds.
*The aim is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, including kindergartens, schools and hospitals and it aims to scale up the use of external municipal financing to achieve energy efficiency in public buildings, strengthened self-governance and sustainable procurement practices
*Grants under the «Norwegian-Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Initiative» are leveraged with a loan mechanism. This greatly increases the funding available for the projects.


Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nefco), National Governments, Other 

Government of Norway  


Start year:   

End year:   

Timeline:  ongoing  


German-Ukrainian Efficient House Pilot Project 

*The project is centred around 20 pilot projects for the energy-efficient refurbishment of apartment buildings in Ukraine.
*Working closely with the homeowners, dena compiles refurbishment concepts for all pilot projects, and monitors the organisational and technical implementation of the measures.
*funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is carried out jointly with „Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa e.V. (IWO) – Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe“ and the „Center of Competence for Large Housing Estates“. Planning and building costs will be borne by the homeowners themselves.



German Energy Agency (dena)  

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa, East European Housing Industry Initiative
Kompetenzzentrum Großsiedlungen e.V.

Start year:  2018  

End year:  2024  

Timeline:  2018 - 2024 


District Heating Energy Efficiency Project  

*Modernization of district heating systems will finance energy efficiency investments in modernization of heat production and transportation and distribution systems, including installation of building-level IHS and heat meters for billing purpose, renovation of obsolete boilers and pipes for heat transportation. The project entails a shift to metering and consumption-based billing in the project areas.
*In addition, gas, electricity, and water supply systems will be upgraded, wherever it is needed for DH purposes. The component will also finance procurement of specialized maintenance equipment for the participating DHCs.


International Development Association (IDA) 


Ministry of Housing and Communal Services
Kommunkhizmat Agency

Start year:  2017  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2017 - 2023 


Market transformation for sustainable rural housing 

*The project objective is to provide Uzbekistan’s rural population with improved, affordable and environmentally friendly living conditions. The project seeks to transform the rapidly growing rural housing sector in Uzbekistan towards a more sustainable and low-carbon development pathway by designing, piloting and scaling-up a green mortgage market mechanism, which will boost the demand for low-carbon housing among the Uzbek rural population.
*The project consists of four inter-linked components. They relate to introducing a green mortgage scheme for rural housing (Outcome 1), strengthening domestic supply chain and the capacity to design and construct energy efficient (EE) and low-carbon housing (Outcome 2), strengthening policies and regulations, particularly building codes for rural housing and rural settlements (Outcome 3), and raising public awareness about benefits and advantages of EE and low-carbon housing (Outcome 4).


UNDP, Other 

Global Environment Fund (GEF)  

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Start year:  2019  

End year:   

Timeline:  2019 - ongoing  


Zero ODS low GWP energy efficient technologies project  

*The project is designed to accelerate HCFC phase-out to achieve the 2020 compliance objectives and sustainably reduce the servicing tail by 2030. 


UNDP, Other 

Global Environment Fund  

State Committee for Nature Protection 

Start year:  2013  

End year:   

Timeline:  2013 - ongoing  

Country:Region Western Balkans  

Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP Plus) 

*REEP provides hands-on support to beneficiary countries with: Policy Dialogue and project preparation support for Energy Service Company (ESCO) projects and national Energy Efficiency Action Plan implementation; Credit line facility through local financial institutions for projects in private and public sectors (“WebSEFF”); Direct lending facility covering public and private sector sustainable energy projects, including renewables and ESCOs (“WeBSEDFF”).
*REEP Plus will continue to address policy barriers and bring additional benefits through a combination of project preparation support and medium-term financing to households, public and private sector for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) investments with a main focus on the residential sector.


EBRD, KfW, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Energy Community Secretariat (ECS), European Commission  

Start year:  2021  

End year:   

Timeline:  2021 - ongoing  

Country:Region Western Balkans  

Nearly-Zero-Energy Buildings 

* The countries receive support from the German Fraunhofer Institute and KfW Development Bank on behalf of the German government and the EU's Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, which has great expertise in this field, is advising the countries, among other things, on developing the definitions for "nearly-zero-energy buildings". It will also help to design pilot buildings and provide support for new construction or renovation, thus setting examples for the entire region.
*And finally, many more houses in the Balkans will be raised to a new energy level in order to establish high-efficiency buildings as the "new normal" and achieve ambitious climate goals.




Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics 

Start year:  2008  

End year:   

Timeline:  2008 - ongoing  

Country:Region Western Balkans  

Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Financing Facility (WeBSEDFF)  

*The EBRD Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Financing Facility (WeBSEDFF) is an investment facility established by the EBRD to provide debt financing for renewable energy and industrial energy efficiency projects to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Western Balkans. It acts as a catalyst to unlock the great potential in the region to reduce energy intensity and promote diversesources of green energy.
*Financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency to local enterprises in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.


EBRD, National Governments, Other 



Start year:  2013  

End year:   

Timeline:  2013 - ongoing  

Country:Region Western Balkans  

Western Balkans Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) 

*Policy Dialogue and project preparation support for Energy Service Company (ESCO) projects and national Energy Efficiency Action Plan implementation;
*Direct lending facility covering public and private sector sustainable energy projects, including renewables and ESCOs (“WeBSEDFF”).
* Credit line facility through local financial institutions for projects in private and public sectors (“WebSEFF”);
* EUR 135 million for investments in the residential sector, supported bz EUR 30 million funding and EUR 1.8 million from the European Western Balkans Joint Fund and EUR 3.3 million from Austrian Ministry of Finance
*Implemented in partnership with the Secretariat of the Energy Community
*The GEFF programme operates through a network of more than 130 local financial institutions across 26 countries supported by almost €4 billion of EBRD finance
*Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance will provide incentives and technical cooperation in support of green technology investments.


EBRD, KfW, Western Balkan Investment Framework (WBIF), Other 

Austria Federal Ministry of Finance  

Secretariat of the Energy Community 

Start year:  2019  

End year:  2023  

Timeline:  2019 - 2023 

Country:Region Global  

SSHARE project  

*The EU-funded SSHARE project aims to develop innovative envelopes for buildings aimed at net zero energy
*The SSHARE project will develop innovative self-sufficient envelope for buildings aimed at net zero energy, thereby contributing to the European technology and creativity through joint R&D and R&I multisectoral and international cooperation activities supported by knowledge sharing.
*Collaboration of researchers from Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, Belarus, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and intergovernmental organization Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Federation.
* The consortium will implement research/innovation activities by means of secondments and organizing training courses, workshops and summer schools aimed at sharing knowledge, acquiring new skills and developing the careers of the consortium members


European Union 


European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 

Start year:  2016  

End year:  2021  

Timeline:  2016 - 2021 

Country:Region Global  

EU4Energy Programme Phase I  

​* The programme EU4Energy is a new energy programme funded by th​​​e European Union and foc​​used on the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and Central Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekista​n.​
*The aim is to improve energy data capabilities and enhance data collection and monitoring of the 11 beneficiary countries. Further, the programme will assist them in evidence-based energy policy design
*Also, it will provide technical assistance on legislative and regulatory framework and on key energy infrastructure investments to the six countries of the Eastern Partnership
*The IEA is responsible for the programme’s energy data management and data use in policy design. It will also run the programme’s policy dialogue initiatives, including organizing ministerial conferences and other high-level events.
*The programme also includes collaboration with the Energy Community Secretariat and the Energy Charter Secretariat, who will provide technical assistance in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.​​​​


European Union 


International Energy Agency (IEA), Energy Community Secretariat, Energy Charter Secretariat 

Start year:  2021  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2021 - 2025 

Country:Region Global Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Ukraine  

EU4Energy Programme Phase II 

*The second phase of the project provides EU support to improve energy supply, security and connectivity, as well as to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewables, solely in the Eastern Partnership countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
* It does this by financing projects and programmes that help to reform energy markets and reduce national energy dependence and consumption. Over the longer term, this makes the energy supply more reliable, transparent and affordable, thus reducing energy poverty and energy bills for both citizens and the private sector.


European Union 


International Energy Agency (IEA), Energy Community Secretariat, Energy Charter Secretariat 

Start year:  2020  

End year:   

Timeline:  2020 - ongoing  

Country:Region Global  

Renovation Wave  

*The objectives are the renovation of both public and private buildings
*Renovating both public and private buildings is an essential action, and has been singled out in the European Green Deal as a key initiative to drive energy efficiency in the sector and deliver on objectives.
*The project includes 3 priorities: 1) Tackling energy poverty and worst performing buildings 2) Renovation of Public Buildings 3) Decarbonisation of Heating and Cooling
*For this, the EU has created several projects: the BUILD UP initiative, EU BUILD UP Skills Initiative, 4RinEU


European Union, Other 

European Commission 


Start year:  2018  

End year:  2022  

Timeline:  2018 - 2022 

Country:Region Global Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Ukraine  


*The program assists the countries to integrate the low-emissions and climate resilience objectives into development policies and plans, to improve and consolidate climate policies and legislative alignment
*EU4Climate helps governments in the six EU Eastern Partner countries to take action against climate change and towards a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy.
*The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP


European Union 


UNDP, Energy Community, Environment Agency Austria, European Environment Agency  

Start year:  2020  

End year:  2025  

Timeline:  2020 - 2025  

Country:Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo Montenegro Republic of Macedonia Serbia  

Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy, Transport and Climate Protection (ORF-ETC) 

*Regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is improving the implementation of energy, transport and climate-protection measures in the region in line with EU standards.
*The project focuses on developing regional capabilities in planning and implementing decarbonisation measures in the energy, climate and transport sectors.
*The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
*Under the name “EU4Energy Transition: Covenant of Mayors in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, the European Union has been co-funding the ORF-ETC since 2021 with five million Euros to support its implementation in the Western Balkans.
*This funding is used to expand on activities that support municipalities in developing and putting into practice sustainable energy and climate-action plans locally as part of the globally active Covenant of Mayors initiative.


European Union, Other 

Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)  

Secretariat of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) for South East Europe 

Start year:  2017  

End year:   

Timeline:  2017 - ongoing  

Country:Armenia Egypt Georgia Moldova Jordan Mongolia Morocco Serbia Tajikistan Tunisia  

Green Climate Fund (GCF)  

*The Green Climate Fund (GCF) will start funding its largest climate finance investment to date following an agreement signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
*The GCF-EBRD Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities programme spans three regions and directs new climate finance flows to Armenia, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Serbia, Tajikistan and Tunisia.
*GCF is contributing USD 378 million to this USD 1.4 billion programme to support thousands of individual investments in technologies that reduce emissions and enhance resilience to climate change.





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