Collaborative Environment for Experts on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
in the UNECE region
Sr. No. | Project Name | Country/Countries of Activity | Implementation Period/ Timeline | Donors | Budget | Description | Link |
1 | Yerevan Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings | Armenia | 2016-2019 | E5P, EIB and others | EUR 15 million | The objective of the project is to support the Municipality of Yerevan in implementing a rehabilitation programme involving energy efficiency and integration of renewable energy measures in public buildings. | project-detail/34 |
2 | Chisinau Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings | Republic of Moldova | E5P, EBRD and others | EUR 26.1 million | The project will support the Municipality of Chisinau to implement a rehabilitation programme involving energy efficiency measures and covering public buildings and potentially residential buildings, depending on the results of a feasibility study. The investments will focus mainly on improvements to the building envelope (wall, roof, slab insulation, windows and door replacement), HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning). The programme will also include some individual energy efficiency measures with high economic return targeting lighting systems, heat distribution systems and the integration of renewable energy sources. These measures are expected to generate significant energy savings for the municipality. Moreover, some demand side management measures will be developed, in particular with regard to metering systems. The project will also contribute to bringing the targeted buildings in line with international standards. In particular, attention will be paid to strengthening the structure of the building, ventilation works, in particular in hospitals, and removal of asbestos where needed, hereby increasing the health safety and comfort of the buildings for the residents. | project-detail/43 | |
3 | Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Georgia | Georgia | E5P,NEFCO and others | EUR 4.67 million | The overall objective of the project is to implement energy saving measures in public buildings in various climatic zones in Georgia and combine these demand side measures with supplies side measures, focusing primarily on introducing renewables. The investments are intended to work as demonstration projects for the new expected building codes, which can inspire and leverage similar investments in a large number of public buildings throughout the country and increase outreach by involving small municipalities and small locations. | project-detail/41 | |
4 | De-risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy Efficient Building Retrofits | Armenia | 2017-2023 | UNDP, GCF and others | USD 10.8 million | The Project will reduce GHG emissions through improved energy efficiency and increased share of low energy-intensive buildings.The Project scope will cover single-family houses, multi-apartment buildings as well as public buildings. The expected total number of direct beneficiaries: 210,000. | content/armenia/en/home/ projects/_de-risking-and-scaling-up-investment-in- energy-efficient -buildi.html |
5 | Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings,Serbia | Serbia | 2014 - 2018 (planned) (but currently ongoing) | KfW and others | EUR 15 million | Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Programme promoted by the Government of Republic of Serbia and supported by the KfW involves energy efficiency improvements of more than 20 educational facilities in Serbia. The Project concerns the energy rehabilitation of public buildings, in particular schools. The purpose of the Project is (i) to improve the energy efficiency of the participating schools and (ii) to improve the learning and teaching environment. This is to contribute to enhanced living-standards in Serbia and the protection of the local environment as well as the global climate. |